Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cheat facebook rock legend

Ok, how to cheat rock legend, here's how to use the rock legend bot facebook:

1. Download it HERE first application, direct suction oks:).

2. Extract the first file already downloaded earlier.

3. Then please register at, we first register in to get the API code that we will need later. and next will appear like the picture below.

After we finished registering now we select send.

4. Once you download an application / software to cheat facebook rock legend, please open the folder, and then locate the file named "settings.ini". nah we can open the file before use notepad.

then later we have to do the setting first, so you can easily see her setting, please download (0.02 Mb) INI file.

5. In this fifth step we go to "start bot.bat" in one package downloaded earlier. Then follow it step by step. if an error occurs and then going "application closing", please try our first open "update.bat".